Curriculum & Instruction
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan 22-23
Michigan K-12 English Language Arts Standards
Michigan K-12 Mathematics Standards
Michigan K-12 Social Studies Standards
Michigan K-12 Science Standards
Michigan K-12 Computer Science Standards
Michigan K-12 Physical Education Standards
Michigan Merit Curriculum Visual Arts, Music, Dance, and Theatre
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s):
Thank you for allowing Marshall Public Schools to be part of your child’s education. In this section of the website, we are including documents and links from the Michigan Department of Education about the M-Step (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress).
The M-STEP includes a computer-adaptive format in English Language Arts and Math (grades 3 – 7), an online fixed form assessment for Science (grades 4, 7, & 11) and Social Studies (grades 5, 8 & 11) and performance tasks in English Language Arts for grade 5 and in Math for grades 3 through 7. Students in grade 11 also take the SAT and ACT WorkKeys. For more information regarding Michigan’s new state assessment, M-STEP, please click on the following link. M-STEP Information
As a district, we continue to work diligently to prepare for changes in testing from the Michigan Department of Education. While we continue with these efforts, our focus continues to be on delivering quality instruction that will prepare our students to think critically, problem-solve, communicate, and apply their knowledge for any test they may take. Thank you for taking a few moments to read this update about the M-STEP.
Kelly Fitzpatrick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
How To Read Your Your Child's Score Report Grade 11
How To Read Your Your Child's Score Report Grades 3-8
Student Testing-What Parents Can Do To Help Students Prepare
Michigan Education Assessment-What It Is, What It Means, and What It Offers