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2024-2025 District Calendar

Calendar Format

First page of the PDF file: 2024-2025DISTRICTCALENDAR


2024-2025 District Calendar

List Format

First page of the PDF file: DistrictCalendarfor2024-25asofApril320241


Your School of Choice District

Applications for all grade levels are now being accepted for first semester of the 2024-2025
school year. Marshall Public Schools are TUITION FREE for students residing in Calhoun County
(the districts of: Athens, Battle Creek, Bellevue, Harper Creek, Homer, Lakeview, Mar Lee,
Olivet, Pennfield, Tekonsha & Union City) or in any intermediate school district (ISD) contiguous
to the Calhoun Intermediate School District (the ISDs of: Barry, Branch, Eaton, Hillsdale,
Jackson & Kalamazoo). For more information or an application call 269-781-1257. Applications
are available at the Superintendent’s Office at 100 East Green St., Marshall, MI 49068 or by
visiting the school’s website at: marshallpublicschools. org

Come and GROW with us at The Shamrock Centers

The Shamrock Center programs are developed to provide children with rich learning experiences in a safe nurturing environment. 

The Shamrock Center staff provides developmentally appropriate activities for children ages 3 through the end of 5th grade, using Experience Early Learning Curriculum.

  • Provides a safe, secure, warm and nurturing environment where children continue their learning day with peers and professional caregivers.

  • Supplements classroom experiences and stimulates continued achievement in a structured but casual atmosphere.

  • Offers year-round programming including snow days and scheduled non-school days.

  • Opens daily 6:30AM - 5:30PM.

  • Transportation is provided to and from Marshall’s elementary and middle schools.

  • Provides afternoon snack for those who attend after 4:00PM.

  • Provides hot lunch to all full-day preschool children.

  • Registers students throughout the year based on space availability.

Little Shamrocks Preschool

  • For children ages 3 to 5

  • An Early Childhood preschool.

  • Grows and enhances practical skills needed to be independent and confident in elementary school.

  • Students develop emotional, social, mental and physical growth through play and planned activities.

Wrap-Around Childcare for Preschool and School-Age Children

♦ For all children ages 3 through 5th grade.

♦ Enriching activities – art, math, science, language arts, movement, music, dramatic play, sports, games and more.

♦ Your choice of programs – before and/or after school or preschool, Summer Camp.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Notification Requirements

The Environmental Protection Agency requires each year that district workers and building occupants receive notification of asbestos removal or abatement activities such as inspections and response actions.

This notice serves to inform all parents, teachers, administrators, and all other employees that the six-month surveillance period of all buildings, as required by AHERA, was performed in July 2024. The three-year re-inspection, also required by AHERA, was performed in July 2022.  The next three-year re-inspection will be conducted in July 2025. Each building will continue to have a six-month periodic surveillance and three-year re-inspection as required by AHERA. 

Per the recommendations of the management planner, all areas of concern identified in the three-year re-inspection report have been addressed. All materials containing asbestos that remain are in good condition and are located primarily in inaccessible areas. We will continue to manage them in place (no asbestos removal planned unless the area is renovated), as recommended by the accredited management planner. 

Updated asbestos management plans are available for review in the Facilities Director’s Office-Marshall Public Schools, 100 East Green Street, Marshall, MI 49068; phone 269-781-1306. Any questions regarding asbestos related issues should be directed to the Facilities Director, the district’s asbestos designated person.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

Marshall Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, (including sexual orientation or transgender identity), disability, age, religion, height, weight, marital for family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category, (collectively, “Protected Classes”), in its programs & activities, including employment opportunities. 

Any questions concerning Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin should be directed to:

Director of Compliance Officers

Marshall Public Schools

100 East Green Street

Marshall, MI 49068; 269-781-1259 or 269-781-1258

Inquiries related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and matters regarding accessibility of facilities or transportation; and/or inquiries related to matters regarding employment should be directed to:  Human Resources Director – Marshall Public Schools, 100 East Green Street, Marshall, MI 49068; 269-781-1300.

Pesticide Prior Notification Requirements

As part of the Marshall Public School District’s integrated pest management program, pesticides are occasionally applied.  According to Michigan law, a parent or legal guardian of a child enrolled in a school district has the right to be notified prior to the application of pesticides to that district’s  buildings or grounds.  In certain emergencies, pesticides may be applied without prior notice, but notice will be provided following such application in the affected area.  Notice of pesticide application for weed control will be posted in the affected area 48 hours prior to application.  Pesticide application in the interior of buildings is only utilized as a last resort and occurs during non-student occupied time.  The district has contracted with Rose Pest Solutions for our building pest management service.  Please consider the following list of scheduled service dates as written prior notification of possible building pesticide applications for the grounds of Marshall Public Schools for the 2024-2025 school year.

2024-2025 Pesticide Schedule