Strategic Plan
This document contains the Marshall Public Schools Strategic Plan. We’re excited about this plan and the possibilities it provides for our students, parents/guardians, and community to improve education at Marshall Public Schools.
Nine community, parent/guardian and staff forums and an electronic survey resulted in 1,045 people providing input for the planning process. A Strategic Planning Team of 35 community members, parents/guardians, staff, and students participated in an all-day planning retreat on May 14, 2022.
Throughout the planning process the community and staff expressed high expectations that Marshall Public Schools could become the “school of choice” in the area. The goals developed reflect the desire to embrace significant change and improve the school system.
The following themes emerged from this process:
The District is headed in the right direction with positive momentum behind district leadership, academic growth, and instructional opportunities.
The future growth and success of the District requires support from students, families, staff, board, and community.
The District must proactively engage students, families, staff, community, businesses, and citizens around common goals and strategies to significantly improve academic achievement and address the needs of each student.
Our Strategic Planning Team comprised of a broad and diverse group of 35 stakeholders worked to develop the mission, vision, beliefs, and goals. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with all sectors of our community to implement these goals and strategies.